志賀理江子《2021年12月30日宮城県小牛田 スタジオパーラーの餅つき大会、全員集合》2021年 Shiga Lieko, December, Kogota, Miyagi Prefecture Gathering at Studio parlor to make rice cakes., 2021 © Shiga Lieko |
The Catalogue of DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow 2021–22 Exhibition (Jpn/Eng)
文化庁による「新進芸術家海外研修制度(旧・芸術家在外研修)」の成果発表の場として開催される「未来を担う美術家たち 文化庁芸術家在外研修の成果|DOMANI・明日展」のカタログ。編集で参加。日英併記。[購入方法]
The Agency for Cultural Affairs has implemented the Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists since 1967. The annual exhibition “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition - The Achievements of the Japanese Government Agency for Cultural Affairs Overseas Study Program for Upcoming Artists” presents the program's achievements. This is the catalog of the DOMANI shows of FY2021. Japanese/English. [How to purchase (Japanese)]